Maya Forest (1)

Yun Lintian woke up in the morning and went to have breakfast in the dining hall. He discovered that the number of people on the streets had increased overnight. It seemed that everything was back on track.

He also found that no one paid attention to him anymore. It seemed like the bandits had given up.

It was good for Yun Lintian in this way. He didn't want to kill anyone in such a cliché situation.

After finishing breakfast, Yun Lintian and the others immediately set off toward the Maya Forest, following the clue from the maple leaf.

Along the way, Yun Lintian saw numerous ruined towns and cities. Although they were slowly recovering, the severity of the war's impact was evident.

An hour later, Yun Lintian arrived at a seemingly ordinary forest. There were numerous people camping at the edge of the woods. From their appearance, it was evident that they were refugees.