The Great Expanse (2)

"The aura in this place is very unstable," Zhang Yu said, holding Gui Xuan.

Signs of space collapsing were everywhere. Yun Lintian's group, having traveled for days, had encountered numerous space turbulences. The slightest misstep could have resulted in them being swallowed and disappearing without a trace.

Yun Lintian looked out at the vast expanse of space silently. Compared to the Divine Realm, the situation here was far more obvious. The Primal Chaos was indeed deteriorating and at a significant rate.

"Look," Zhang Yu interjected suddenly, grabbing everyone's attention.

In the far distance, a massive profound ark hurtled toward Yun Lintian's position. Surrounded by several medium-sized arks, it erupted in periodic explosions, clearly under siege.

Yun Lintian raised his brow slightly and steered the ship rightward, trying to avoid them.

"Pirates?" Yun Yi stared intently at them.