The Great Expanse (3)

The tall lesser god's face grew solemn. He lunged forward, thrusting his spear to block the incoming attack.

In that instant, a white mist abruptly erupted from the spatial crack, engulfing the lesser god instantly.


The lesser god's powerful thrust landed on the white mist, creating a deafening explosion. However, it failed to disperse the mist, which instead grew thicker and wider.

"What is this?" The lesser god's arm went numb. It was clearly mist, yet he felt like he had struck an impenetrable wall. 

"Look out!" The black-robed lesser god cried in alarm as he saw Yun Yi unleash another slash. 


 A white light erupted within the mist, followed by a powerful explosion that engulfed the tall lesser god. Before he could react, a terrifying force shattered his arms, shoulder, waist, and legs.
