The Great Expanse (4)

Led by Dongfang Xue, Yun Lintian and his companions boarded the profound ark.

The interior of the ark was incredibly vast and luxuriously decorated. Yun Lintian couldn't help but notice the furniture crafted from rare materials. In short, it surpassed anything he had ever seen in terms of luxury.

"Please, be seated," Dongfang Xue invited, gesturing with her open hand.

Yun Lintian unceremoniously sat with Linlin and Qingqing nestled in his arms. Yun Yi and the others followed suit.

Dongfang Xue turned to Fu Yong. "Please serve the tea."

"Certainly," Fu Yong replied, stepping forward with a teapot. He poured tea for everyone, his movement momentarily faltering as he observed Hei Shou.

Dongfang Xue observed the floating hand, unsure of how to proceed.

"No need," Yun Lintian reassured her, sipping his tea. "He doesn't drink it."

Hei Shou responded with a thumbs-up gesture, confirming Yun Lintian's statement.