The Price Of Power (4)

Nantian Fengyu approached the Crimson Guard members, zooming in on their faces individually. 

"They look just like the ones in the documents, don't they?" she said, her voice laced with feigned surprise.

The chat exploded with comments:



[Minister Zhu said the documents were fake? Who'd believe that?]

[Fake my ass! See the seal? It's definitely real.]

[You can't trust politicians.]

Under Nantian Fengyu's manipulation, the chat wouldn't believe she'd forged the documents.

Using her power, Nantian Fengyu nudged the leader of the Crimson Guard awake.

"Ah!" she shrieked, feigning terror and dramatically stepping back.

The strong man, disoriented, opened his eyes. He couldn't grasp the situation yet.

The chat buzzed again:

[Sister Phoenix, ask him quickly!]