Fallen (1)

The official elaborated, "Our investigation reveals numerous instances where Minister Zhu abused his authority for personal gains. The current situation is a prime example."

The old man swept his gaze across the other officials, finding silent agreement etched on their faces. Even those within Zhu Tianlong's faction remained unnervingly quiet.

"Seeing no objections," the old man said calmly, "we'll vote after Minister Zhu arrives. Now, let's discuss countermeasures. How do we control the situation?"

A debate erupted among the officials. Most favored direct censorship, but some worried about damaging government credibility. 

Nantian Fengyu's stream generated a massive international response, and suppressing information would be nearly impossible.

"A swift public statement is imperative," an old official declared. "Minister Zhu's actions shatter the image of peace we've meticulously cultivated on the world stage."