The Glorious Past (5)

There was no such feeling for Yun Lintian when he first saw Yan Jinru. Now, however, he felt a sense of familiarity, as though they had known each other for a very long time, which was obviously impossible.

A strange fluttering arose in Yan Jinru's chest. Regaining her composure, she bravely walked towards Yun Lintian.

"Greetings," she spoke. "May I have a chat with you? I'm Yan Jingru, by the way."

Slightly surprised, Yun Lintian gestured in invitation. "I'm Yun Lintian. Please."

The two found a private room in a nearby teahouse to settle in.

"Apologies for the abruptness," Yan Jingru said after pouring cups of tea for Yun Lintian and his companions. "Are you perhaps related to my Vermilion Bird God Clan?"

"Why do you ask this, Miss Yan?" Yun Lintian inquired, carefully observing Yan Jingru. He discovered that the purity of her bloodline was incredibly high, a bit inferior to his.