The Glorious Past (6)

Icy tension gripped the room, a suffocating weight threatening to turn even the sturdiest pillars to frost.

"You overstep your bounds, Jin Yuxin," Yan Feihong's voice pierced the silence, each word a honed blade. "Do you not fear the wrath of Lord White Tiger God?"

A flicker of amusement, sharp as a viper's strike, danced across Jin Yuxin's features. "Fear? Of course, one would be remiss not to fear Lord White Tiger God." She chuckled. "But do you truly believe him to be a divine protector?"

Jin Yuxin turned to Yun Lintian and added, "Your strength is unprecedented. I've never encountered such an anomaly like you before. If you truly belong to the White Tiger God Clan, they wouldn't allow you to venture out alone."

Yan Feihong furrowed her brow but remained silent. Jin Yuxin's sharp mind had exposed the flaw in Yun Lintian's fabricated story. Here, Yan Feihong was powerless.