Resurrection (3)

"There's no guarantee of success," Yun Lintian warned. "The fragments of the Great Law of Death are deeply embedded within you. It could be fatal."

Li Shan remained surprisingly calm. "I understand. Please, proceed."

Yun Lintian didn't hesitate further. He inhaled deeply, extending his hand with an open palm towards Li Shan. Focusing his energy, he channeled the power of the Great Law of Life.

A soft, white light emanated from his hand, a stark contrast to the necrotic energy coursing through Li Shan's body.

As the light made contact with Li Shan, a guttural moan ripped from his spectral form. His body writhed in agony as the purifying light clashed with the corrupting darkness within him. The vines that bound him pulsed with a vibrant emerald green, mirroring Yun Lintian's efforts.