Beyond Mystery (1)

The newly revitalized Li Shan moved with newfound grace, gliding through the oppressive darkness like a wisp of smoke. Yun Lintian trailed close behind, his body still ached from the exertion, but his spirit soared.

Jade green light glimmered from intricate carvings etched into the walls, forming a mesmerizing pattern that seemed to flow with a pulsating energy. Yun Lintian, utilizing his enhanced understanding of the Great Law of Life, instinctively felt a connection to these jade formations.

"City Lord Li," Yun Lintian spoke, "do you sense a purpose to these carvings?"

Li Shan stopped, turning his ethereal gaze towards the jade carvings. A flicker of recognition crossed his features. "It was left behind by the man and woman."

Intrigued, Yun Lintian stepped closer, tracing the intricate patterns with his finger. A surge of jade green light erupted from the carvings, swirling around his hand and traveling up his arm.