The Nine Heavens (1)

Yun Lintian's brow furrowed deeper as he weighed Lan Qinghe's options. Seclusion held a certain appeal, but passively waiting while Ren Yuan consolidated power felt wrong. Seeking refuge elsewhere felt like cowardice, unbecoming of him.

Heading to the God Tomb directly should be the top priority here, but the risk of Ren Yuan sending his people after him, as he likely would based on their encounter in the Divine Realm, was significant. Without a doubt, Ren Yuan wouldn't simply sit still.

Exploring the Nine Heavens Realm to eliminate Ren Yuan sparked a flicker of intrigue in Yun Lintian's eyes. It was an active approach, allowing him to gather information and exploit potential vulnerabilities.

Naturally, he wasn't naive enough to believe he could waltz into the Nine Heavens and eliminate Ren Yuan single-handedly.