The Nine Heavens (2)

A tense silence descended upon the Fleeting Cloud Profound Skyship. Yun Lintian narrowed his eyes, his gaze piercing the vast emptiness separating them from the approaching vessels.

Unlike the ragtag collection of ships they'd encountered in the Divine Realm, this group exuded an air of chilling order and power. Each ship, sleek and menacing in its design, seemed to radiate a faint, oppressive aura.

"They are no ordinary pirates," Yun Qianxue said calmly. Her keen senses picked up the faint hum of powerful formations woven into the hulls of the approaching ships.

"Indeed," Yun Lintian agreed, a flicker of steel flashing in his eyes. This is a pirate fleet, but a very well-equipped and well-coordinated one."

Qingqing, ever the impulsive one, scoffed. "Hmph, a bunch of glorified robbers daring to show off in front of us? Let's teach them a lesson, Big Brother Yun!"

"Let's wait and see first." Yun Lintian, however, held up a hand, silencing her.