Illusion Palace (2)

The surrounding crowd shifted slightly, their gazes flickering between the bulky man and Yun Lintian's group. Whispers erupted, filled with a mix of curiosity and morbid amusement.

Yun Lintian remained impassive, his eyes narrowed as he assessed the approaching figure. He could sense a powerful aura emanating from the man, likely at the peak of the High God Realm.

A hint of helplessness flickered across his face as he looked at Lin Xinyao and the others. Despite altering their appearances, it wasn't enough to deter these men from seeking trouble.

"Who are you?" Yun Lintian glanced at the man and asked coolly.

The man threw his head back and laughed, a harsh, grating sound that echoed through the chamber. "You don't have to know, little boy. You will be dead anyway."

Yun Lintian remained unfazed. Ignoring the man's threat, he turned to his companions, his voice calm amidst the rising tension.