Illusion Palace (3)


The crimson fist slammed into the water barrier, sending a spray of droplets flying. But the impact seemed to have no effect. The water, imbued with the power of Yun Lintian's Law of Water, held firm, absorbing the fiery energy and dissipating it harmlessly.

The red-haired brute, momentarily stunned by the perfect defense, stumbled back a few steps. Before he could recover, Yun Lintian launched his counteroffensive. His left hand, crackling with vibrant violet energy, shot forward in a blur.

This time, it was the Law of Fire unleashed in all its fury. A condensed sphere of violet flame, emanating an intense heat, hurtled towards the red-haired brute. 

The man's eyes widened in terror as the fiery projectile approached. He attempted to raise his arm in defense, but it was too late.
