Eternal Slumber (3)

"Let me." Just as Yun Lintian was about to move, Li Shan suddenly stepped forward with a silver spear materialized in his hand. 


With a roar that echoed like a collapsing mountain, Li Shan surged forward, silver spear crackling with power. The once-gleaming metal had transformed, coursing with divine energy that burned with an incandescent white light.

Li Shan moved with a speed that defied logic. One moment he stood beside Yun Lintian, the next he was a spear-wielding meteor hurtling towards the monstrous claw. The air thrummed with his power, pushing the swirling mists aside like a child scattering feathers.


The claw, pulsating with an unnatural green light, slammed down with enough force to shatter mountains. Li Shan met it head-on, the tip of his spear colliding with the grotesque appendage in a blinding flash.