Eternal Slumber (4)

Yun Lintian, his curiosity piqued, approached the dissolving corpse of the creature.

"Let me try something," Yun Lintian said, crouching beside the pulsating ichor. He extended a hand, channeling the Great Law of Life. Green tendrils of energy erupted from his palm, swirling around the corrupted remains.

The effect was immediate. The sickly green ichor began to lose its putrid hue, slowly transforming into a clear, almost ethereal liquid. The tendrils of the Great Law of Life delved deeper, seeking the core of the creature's being.

Suddenly, a jolt of surprise ran through Yun Lintian. The corrupted energy he expected to encounter was absent. Instead, he felt… metal?

Confusion clouded his mind. This wasn't a living creature at all. It felt more like a complex machine, albeit one intricately woven with corrupted energy.