Eternal Slumber (5)

A tense silence descended upon the group as they stared in awe and trepidation at the colossal metal statue. 

"Though it doesn't possess life force," Yun Lintian broke the silence. His voice echoing in the vast chamber, "it seems to be connected to the True God energy we sensed earlier. Perhaps it's some kind of vessel."

Li Shan glanced at the path ahead and said, "The trail of metallic dust leads to a hidden passage. Someone, or something, has been tampering with this statue."

Tang Wei, still shaken by the sight, managed to stammer, "But... who? And why?"

Yun Lintian, his eyes narrowed in thought, shook his head. "There are too many questions and not enough answers. We need to explore this hidden passage and see where it leads. Perhaps it will shed some light on who built these constructs and their purpose in this sanctum."

Yun Lintian sighed inwardly. It would be good if Lin Yitong were here. With her vast experience, she must know something.