Eternal Slumber (6)

Lan Qinghe's eyes narrowed into icy slits. Gu Buxiu's words dripped with a twisted ambition, a hunger for power that defied the natural order.

"Ascend beyond the limitations?" she said calmly. "You call this existence life? You defile the very essence of cultivation with your heretical practices. True ascension lies not in conquering death, but in embracing the natural cycle."

Gu Buxiu's skeletal grin faltered for a moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing his dark visage. "Naive woman," he retorted, his voice dripping with condescension. "As a True God yourself, do you not understand the limitations of this mortal coil? The endless cycle of birth and death is a cruel joke! My methods offer liberation, a chance to break free from the shackles of this decaying world!"