Inescapable Trap

The tension in the cavern hung thick enough to choke on. Yun Lintian pressed further. "Perhaps I couldn't be recognized by the Soul Scepter. However, don't you think this is a good chance for you? Why don't we work together?"

Xie Pojun's initial defiance had crumbled, replaced by a begrudging acceptance of their power. The audacity of this young mortal, proposing a collaboration despite their opposing goals, was both infuriating and intriguing.

"Work together?" Xie Pojun scoffed, his voice laced with skepticism. "You mortals are full of surprises. But tell me, what makes you think I would trust you?"

Long Qingxuan didn't want to waste her time further and prepared to make a move. However, she was stopped by Yun Lintian first.

Yun Lintian met Xie Pojun's gaze head-on. "Because we offer you a chance at freedom, something you haven't known for eons. And because fighting will only lead to destruction for all of us… This is definitely your best chance."