
The journey to the God Tomb was arduous. Weeks bled into each other, marked by scorching desert heat, unrelenting sandstorms, and the ever-present threat of monstrous desert creatures.

With each passing lunar cycle, this place's intricate network of passageways and buildings would rearrange themselves like a cosmic kaleidoscope, making navigation a nearly impossible feat.

Finally, after a grueling trek, they reached the seeming heart of the God Tomb.

A colossal chasm yawned before them, its depths shrouded in an unnatural darkness that seemed to devour light itself. A chilling wind howled from below, carrying with it the mournful cries of unseen creatures.

Yun Lintian looked at the map and declared, his voice barely audible over the deafening wind. "This is it." 

Lan Qinghe and Li Shan probed into the dark vortex in front of them and discovered their spiritual senses were completely blocked. 
