Mastery (2)


The lake churned as Shi Xuan unleashed the fury of the water element. Gigantic waves rose like walls, propelled by his immense power, each one aimed at breaking Yun Lintian's intricate defense. 

The swords whizzed through the air, deflecting the waves with impressive precision, but their movements became slightly sluggish, betraying the strain on Yun Lintian's divine energy reserves.

Shi Xuan, sensing this, pressed his advantage. He wove through the onslaught of blades, his serpentine body moving with incredible agility. Lashing out with his tail, he slammed into one of the swords imbued with the Earth Law, sending it flying out of the formation.


A tremor ran through Yun Lintian as his meticulously constructed defense faltered. The remaining six swords scrambled to fill the gap, losing their previous fluidity.