Mastery (3)

A bead of sweat, an anomaly on his reptilian body, trickled down Shi Xuan's temple. Fear wasn't the emotion gripping him, but a potent cocktail of annoyance and a grudging respect for Yun Lintian's audacity.

No mortal cultivator, in his millennia of experience, had ever dared to face him with such a power.

He couldn't deny the effectiveness of the tactic. The death energy, while minimal, slowed his reflexes and dulled his senses.

A direct hit wouldn't be fatal, but it would undoubtedly leave him weakened, a state unbecoming of a True God, especially in front of this young upstart.

With a powerful flick of his tail, Shi Xuan sent a wave of water crashing towards Yun Lintian, hoping to disrupt his focus and regain control of the fight. 

Yun Lintian, however, anticipated this move. He teleported a split second before the wave hit, using the Law of Space to reappear behind Shi Xuan.
