Moon Graveyard (2)

Yun Lintian expertly controlled the wind, directing it to buffet the chimera, hindering its movements.

The beast stumbled, its balance thrown off by the unpredictable gusts. Yun Lintian seized the opportunity. He channeled the Law of Fire once more, conjuring a single, scorching orb of condensed flame. This wasn't a mere blast, but a concentrated ball of pure fire, imbued with the essence of destruction.

He launched the fiery orb with a flick of his wrist. It streaked through the air like a meteor, leaving a trail of searing heat. The chimera, momentarily disoriented by the wind, had no time to react.


The orb struck true, exploding on impact and engulfing the beast's head in an inferno. A deafening screech echoed through the labyrinth as the chimera thrashed wildly, trying to extinguish the flames.