Moon Graveyard (3)

The woman in the coffin must have been the champion mentioned in the inscription. But who was the encroaching darkness? And what connection did she have to the Divine Moon Clan he knew? Could it be that Hongyue, Yue Hua, and the others were remnants of this Divine Moon Clan?

A multitude of questions swirled in Yun Lintian's mind, demanding answers. He gripped the fragment on his chest, its warmth offering a sliver of solace. What was the connection between the Soul Scepter and the Divine Moon Clan?


As Yun Lintian contemplated the inscription, a faint tremor shook the labyrinth. The ground beneath his feet rumbled, and the air shimmered with a strange distortion.

He looked up, his heart pounding in his chest. A colossal gate materialized before the moon statue, its surface pulsing with an otherworldly light. The gate creaked open, revealing a glimpse of an ethereal landscape bathed in moonlight.