Despair (1)

The ice spear, a glistening sliver of death, pierced through Yun Lintian's heart with a sickening squelch. A wave of frost exploded from the point of contact, enveloping his body in a tomb of ice.

His eyes, once filled with warmth, glazed over as the life drained from them, his form frozen in an eternal tableau of pain.

Yun Lintian's body was thrown backward, his consciousness fading. Having experienced death once before, he knew this was the end, and there was nothing he could do.

The relentless cold energy seeped into every part of his body, freezing everything it touched. Yun Lintian's Divine Core fought to release its power, but to no avail. The lights on the relic symbols dimmed, trapped within the icy coffin.


Yun Qianxue and the other women cried out in shock, their faces draining of color.

Xiao Shou reacted first, lunging forward with a punch aimed at Mo Lianxing.

Mo Lianxing sneered and countered with a powerful kick.