Despair (2)

The vortex pulsed with renewed vigor, swallowing Li Shan's attack whole and pushing back against Lan Qinghe's orchids. The tendrils of darkness lashed out, seeking fresh prey.

"Come on! Dance for me to see!" Xie Pojun shouted loudly.

A colossal hand, formed entirely of swirling darkness, erupted from the vortex, shattering Lan Qinghe's orchid defense and swatting Li Shan away like a fly. The sheer power of the attack sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Lan Qinghe landed hard on the ground, coughing up blood. Li Shan, his silver form flickering faintly, managed to stabilize himself in mid-air, his eyes filled with a renewed determination.

Seeing the overwhelming power of Xie Pojun's attack, Bei Yixiang knew they needed a new strategy. He glanced at Dian Lei, a silent plea for cooperation flickering in his eyes. Dian Lei, his face grim, understood.