Reversal (2)

Mo Lianxing's scream died in her throat, replaced by a gasp as a surge of power, sharp and frigid, erupted within her. It felt like a dam breaking, a torrent of icy energy flooding her very being.

The invisible shackles that Shi Xuan's aura had imposed on her shattered, replaced by a newfound sense of liberation.

She pushed herself up, a primal growl escaping her lips. Gone was the fear and humiliation that had just moments ago choked her. In its place burned an icy fury, a relentless desire to resist.

Shi Xuan, his draconic gaze fixed on her, raised an eyebrow in amusement. The unexpected turn of events seemed to have sparked a flicker of interest within him.

The air crackled with anticipation as the pressure in the chamber intensified.

Mo Lianxing, her eyes glowing with an eerie blue light, rose to her full height. The Frostmourn Spear, propelled by the surge of energy, flew back into her grasp, its frosty surface humming with otherworldly power.