Reversal (3)

Shi Xuan, realizing the precarious situation, unleashed a guttural roar. With a surge of dark energy, he reinforced the barrier, pushing back against the icy wave. However, the effort began to take its toll on him. A sheen of sweat appeared on his brow, a testament to the immense power he was exerting.

The pressure in the chamber grew so thick it felt like molasses, clinging to every surface and constricting Mo Lianxing's movements. The air itself crackled with raw energy, a cacophony of sizzling ice and searing darkness.

Through the blurring distortion caused by the clashing energies, she glimpsed Shi Xuan's face, twisted in a grimace of exertion. Even a god of his caliber was struggling to contain the power she now wielded.

A surge of defiance surged through Mo Lianxing, momentarily banishing the tendrils of fear that threatened to coil around her heart.