Chapter 2-Its Misses Gold Lining

Destiny's POV

I woke up in the frame of mind, just like every other time I lost my job,that I needed to go find another.

I entered my bathroom sliding my underwear and bra off. As I got into my bath it cried out for mercy.

Thank god I had no close neighbors.

I stared down at the green stains on my cream color bath rather than white.

I grabbed onto a string pulling it in a circular manner then the water hit my body. It was cold as ice but I wasn't fortunate to have water heater especially in a run-down place like this where I lived.

I soaped my face up then my body. I rinsed myself carefully trying not to get my hair wet as I didn't have a dryer.

I repeated the process of soaping my face and body once more then again,I carefully rinsed myself.

I got out of the bath drying myself with one of my two towels.I made my way to the kitchen area which was a mess.

Pip, pop, pip,pop,pip...

There goes my leaking faucet.

I opened the cupboard that was evidently old.

A cup noodle and a instant porridge stared at me. I almost threw up,not these again. I slammed in shut in frustration heading to my room.

I threw all my clothes to my bed with faded sheets trying to find something appropriate to wear.

I held up a black dress with sleeves to my body staring in the frameless mirror leaning on my wall.

This was nice but it was too short. I moved on scanning my clothes before I picked up a purple dress that was just about appropriate but with short sleeves.

I threw my towel aside actually putting it on this time. It looked tight but that wasn't my fault,I was very hippy.

This was indeed perfect. I stared at myself in the mirror. This was the dress.

I turned to look at how great my ass looked in the dress. I was taken off guard when I stared in the mirror.

I wasn't shocked because my ass was big but because I stared at my literal ass, most of that part of the dress gone.

How did this happen?

I seemed to loose the little confidence I had left. I got out of the dress in anger staring at it in my hand.

The hole was so huge, this was the work of a rat.

I opened my last drawer,which was the only draw I hadn't opened since I unpacked my clothes to the bed.

I found the culprit chewing on my yellow shorts. When it saw me it tried to run but I was swift enough to grab a shoe barely getting to smack it as it cried fleeing to some other part of my home.

I was so furious I threw the shoes aside sitting on my bed steam coming from my body. I was so angry.

I allowed myself to calm down a little then I finally found a pink dress with only one small hole in it that seemed to be caused by natural causes.

I wore it and secured my 'house' as best as possible before I left. I began walking with my partly wet hair down in a natural style.

When I reached inside the town I considered where to start in my head.

I already got fired from J.O's Bakery this year so I wasn't planning to even look to go back there.

I definitely knew those strip clubs were out of the question. Next to consider, the Parkinson's chicken Farm. Nope,I mean probably I could work in their kitchen area but no, Misses Parkinson talked way too much for her own good.

She was even talking when she got her first stroke.

A idea then exploded in my head. What about that coffee shop I always pass?

Coffee Tea Time.


It was 9:12AM so they were already open. I took my time walking there and passed a few random people on my way.

When I walked in the door gave me away with a ding.

Thankfully no one was in the line. I walked up to the curly red head who was apparently cashing.

Her face wasn't pleasant. I began having second thoughts but I was already here. I walked up to her thinking, dear god give me tolerance.

"Hello..."I simply greeted her.

"Yes,Hello"she said her pained pace still on.

"I'm just wondering if you needed any extra help around here..."I began and her face twitched.

She removed her hand from the cash register, she was disappointed I wasn't a customer, more like irritated.

"No....have a nice day miss"she said looking beyond me and the other workers eyed her not saying anything.

"Please, even as a janitor..."I said questioning myself if I was that desperate.

Another ding went off.

"No miss have a nice day..."she seemed to be getting loud.

I was gonna continue to beg but I felt the urge to glance behind me and I did just that. It was that rich brunette who hit me yesterday.

I ducked my head feeling embarrassed as I swiftly pass her heading outdoors hoping her staring down in her purse distracted her.

I began slightly running. I was so embarrassed, what if she heard the cashier treating me like that.

I bet she wouldn't talk to the girl from yesterday that way because of her apparent status.

I almost felt like crying but I kept holding back the tears the moment they try to escape. I also contained myself from the urge to hug myself.

My mood was down for the day.

I began walking slow. I was heading home.

I heard heels clicking fast against the sidewalk until they caught up to me.

"Hey you..."she greeted me like we were the best of friends.

We weren't even friends.

I ignored her. As they say ignore it and it will go away.

"Can I ask you to hold this?"she began and I took it hoping that would shut her up.

She was a lot like Misses Parkinson, always yapping.

We walked in silence her heels being the only noise I heard and passing vehicles or even passerby.

Wasn't she gonna just take back her coffee and leave me the hell alone?

"Aren't you gonna drink that?"she asked and I raised a brow.

"Here..."I said holding it towards her.

"Please don't do this, you're wounding my feelings..."she told me staring at me as we walked and I stared ahead.

I took it taking a sip. Damn this tasted so good. I took a few more sips because this was so delicious.

She giggled and I felt embarrassed so I just held the cup not daring to drink again.

"Where are you going?"she asked her voice filled with joy as I was about to cross the road.

"Home"I said eyeing her at how  joyful she is.

"So how are we gonna get to eldevouré?"she asked.

"Elde where?"I asked her.

Did I look like I came from her class?

"Eldevouré,come on"she grabbed my hand pulling me in the direction I was coming from.

"I'm sorry I wasn't prepared to go anywhere"I told her trying to get back my hand back.

That failed.

"Come on, who said you're paying?"she laughed slightly and trust me where was the joke.

"Who told you I want that?"I said and finally she stopped smiling, she looked offended.

"I'm sorry, fine, I'll go with you but I wasn't prepared for this..."I said and she smiled like her feelings weren't just hurt.

"Let's go get you a dress, my treat"she smiled her cheeks rosey as ever as she pulled me along.


"Are you sure about this?"I asked as I came out from the dressing room.

The black dress clung to my curves. The sides were open as well as the back and the dress was a little above my knees.

The sleeves were drop shoulders and ripped into three slices at each side of my arm.

My shoes were breath talking and also expensive. The shoes were simple black heels yet it was so pricey.


She just stared at me.

Did I look ridiculous?

"I knew this was a bad idea, I'm gonna go change this dress!I shouldn't even come here!"I started to over react when she grabbed my shoulders.

"You are absolutely breath taking"she told me over dramatizing while saying it.

"Come on let's go...."she led me once again holding my hand.

Why was she so friendly and willing to be nice to me?

Me of all persons.

We eventually got to El whatever it's name was in her expensive ride and I finally knew what it was.

It was a expensive restaurant. I felt so out of place not only because of the odd stares I got from random people with one or two gold spoons up their asses but because I couldn't even afford the ground here.

I didn't know if I was causing the unnecessary attention because I was out of place or if all the attention was because of misses model looking woman who took liking to me for some reason.

Yea,I guess it's her. I was a nobody here.We got a seat without reservation. I guess she was that important.

When she ordered her meal I took whatever she was taking not wanting to bother her with the price but when I looked at her meal, it was one of the most expensive.

I instantly regretted it but it was already too late to take the cheapest.

We ate awkwardly then left and I knew I couldn't convince her to not drive or try to walk me home so I lied that I had someone to meet when I really didn't.

When she was gone, I walked home and when I got home I layed in bed staring at the ceiling.

She took half of my day already so I'll try again tomorrow.

Here you go guys.