Chapter 1-My Unlucky Faith

Destiny's POV

Destiny's POV

"Wh-What?"I stuttered my throat immediately drying.

"You heard me Miss Rose, you're fired"he simply said rather than hissed.

I stared into his cold dark brown eyes. There was no signs he was joking, he didn't make jokes.

Before I could control it I began sobbing. It's either go out willingly or go out with chaos.

I wasn't the type to handle these stuff well.

"You can't do this!"I yelled more eyes shooting my way.

"Securities!"My ex boss yelled.

I didn't get the chance to react as two different pairs of strong arms held my arms pulling me backwards.

"This is my fourth job in one year!"I said my sobs breaking my voice.

I shrugged trying to get free from the men's hold but it was completely pointless.

"I'm done!I'm done!"I simply said sadness taking me over.

Seeing I no longer resisted they freed me and I walked towards my desk clearing all it's content in a box below my desk while everyone stared at me.

"Not even two months working here..."someone mumbled but I dared not to look at them.

"I saw this coming..."


"Can't keep a job..."


And so the insults came and so I took them.

"Hey...this is mine!"somebody took a paper flowers resting in my box as I passed by.

"Hey!"somebody else snatched something from the box and so everybody else came snatching.

Moments later I stared at the basically empty box. It only held a old photo of me framed in a heart.

I was now outside of the building and still on the compound and I glanced at somebody's car only to see a huge load of bird waste.

I recognized that car. It was the first guy to comment on me being fired.

At least this suits this asshole well.

I finally left the compound and the thunder sounded. Yup I knew what this meant.

As I walked on I took one last glance at the building with my cardboard box clutched to my chest.

The dusty sign read 'zed corp'.

The moment I turned back to look ahead of me the rain began pouring down on me.

"Fuck..."I mumbled to myself as I grabbed my stupid picture from the now wet cardboard box.

I attempted to cover my head with it but it tore. To my little luck it made it better to shelter with.

"You fucking stupid bitch, walking in the rain, you just lost your job..."I sang jumping and splashing in the rain water obviously in a dull mood.

"Walking with a card board boooox on your head...."I sang that in opera.

Splash slash.

I made two splashes carrying on.

"You don't even own a car..."I continued in opera.

"What else could possibly go wrong"I finished off my song making the last word the highest note.

My final jumping splash was in the road and as I turned my head I was blinded by a piercing light.

"Oh shit-"before I could fully finish the ending of my t in my shit I felt a sharp pain and felt as though I was floating and the world disappeared immediately.


I opened my eyes only to snap them shut at the harsh light that greeted them.

First thing I realized when I re opened my eyes was that this wasn't my shitty house. This place looked really expensive.

I sat up and a slight pain surged through my back and abdomen. I gave it a moment to go away so I started looking around.

This wasn't a hospital, this was somebody's home. While I saw no evidence of a picture of a person I knew.

The walls hung expensive looking art pieces even though they were small. The walls were the whitest white I've even seen, if that even makes any sense.

By now the pain eased so I placed my foot to the ground still on the bed. The moment my feet touched the white creamy tiles I realized I wore a socks.

Damn even these socks looks like if I as much as rip them I'd have to work day and night to pay for them.

I finally brought myself to stand up and what greeted me had me shaken up and I panicked.

Roof! Roof!

It was a white poodle and it sat there as if it anticipated this moment. It continued to yell at me but my blood immediately chilled when it came running in my direction.

On instinct like any smart human being I jumped onto the bed standing on it, my back against the wall.

It was now that I realized I wore a dress code similar to someone in a hospital only without the blue dots on the gown, it was only white.

"Shew!"I came to the edge of the bed and pointed at the creature.

"Shew!"I told it once more and it came closer and barked at me as if arguing with me.

I jumped back and I sure hope I didn't crack the bed I couldn't even afford,proof my spine. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't be exchanging air with this expensive looking dog.

For crying out loud the dog seemed to receive better care than I'd ever get my whole life. Its name tag was made of real gold it seems.

"She's a harmless fellow...."at that voice I looked up.

Even her voice sounds so expensive.

By the door frame of a door I didn't even realize was there stood a brunette. Her hair looked so soft and well taken care of unlike my blonde hair that probably took three days to untangle.

Her eyes were very beautiful, her nose perfect, her lips perfect again. Her face had a oval but at the same time circular shape.

Her skin was pale but not pale enough to think she doesn't know what the sun looks like. Her body figured shouted 'model' at me.

She looked like a model. Her waist was so small, slender legs, she had some amount of hips.

Not to get started on her attire. Her clothes was talking to me and saying 'you could never afford me'. She had on a simple dress but I knew it had some big brand name.

Her nob ear ring was definitely real gold and she wore a pearl necklace, it was purple just like her dress.

Not for this to sound the wrong way but her legs were something to stare at.

"Uh em..."she said almost quietly her cheeks red just like before.

Shit, I realized it seems like I was checking her out but it isn't really like that. Her attire screams 'look at me I'm Rich'.

"I'm so sorry, I-I-

It's just that you-

Never mind..."I didn't bother knowing I'd sound pathetic saying 'it's just that you look so rich and perfect like you have no flaws'.

"Here you go, you're kids probably are worried..."she told me holding a pair of jeans and a white T.

My eyebrows crushed themselves up at her remark. Was she one of those spoiled rich girls who always try to insult anyone below them?

As if she read my expression she looked at me apologetically.

"No, I don't mean that as an insult, I'm just saying probably there's somebody to be worried about you, you know"she gave a small smile and somehow I felt less defensive.

"Yes, I need to get home to my kids..."I carried on the wrong assumption.

It didn't matter, I wasn't gonna ever see her again so she'll never know I don't have kids.

I got to the floor and took the clothing she offered me then spoke.

"Where are my clothes?"I asked since that was a good question.

"They were wet but I had them cleaned and dried for you..."she told me and she led me from the previous room.

The moment I stepped after her I really saw rich alright. Damn, I shouldn't even be here.

She showed me to the bathroom and I used it to get changed and when I got out I almost panicked.

She never left from outside the door.

"Don't worry, I wasn't spying on you, just didn't want you to get lost..."she told me offering a small smile.

She handed me a bag and I knew it was my clothes. My my, even this bag that contained my clothes I didn't feel worthy of holding.

"Thank you..."I simply said and she led the way.

I couldn't help but notice she had a nice butt. Her butt would draw any guys attention.

Was this girl here perfect?

Or was she one of those custom made girls?

Fake body,Fake Boobs.

When we reached the door and I exited she spoke.

"Do you want me to give you a ride?"she asked and my blood stop flowing.

"N-No!"I quick answered.

My living condition was worse than the regular person. I lived in a abandoned house that didn't even look recognizable.

The walls were so bad I didn't really want anybody to see me going there.

That wasn't a problem since where I 'live' not much people are around.

"It's walking distance...."I lied.

"May I walk you?"she offered me that small smile again.

"No, its fine!I already walked out in front of your car!That's enough..."I tried to get her to agree.

"It's Bike, and since you insist I won't, have a good night"she told me and I walked along the lengthy pathway.

I eyed the chained beasts who growled and barked at me attempting to break free from their chains that bounced them.

Seeing this I walked faster and the security eyed me up then down and I held my head down as I left.

By the time I got home the only sounds I heard was distant cars and bikes.

When I got in my shitty house I closed the door and leaned againts it closing my eyes.

It popped and I opened my eyes to see that it leaned to one side.

Yep, not like the moments in the movies, I'm poor.

So what do you guy's think of my first chapter of my new book?