Chapter 66

Who was this man? Why was he suddenly behaving like this? Angelica didn't know whether to be comforted or confused. He called her beautiful and said that people would envy him because she would be… his. 

Would they? Suddenly she lost track of her thoughts. It became too much with all the feelings going through her so she shut her eyes and took a deep breath not caring what that would make her look like. 

When she opened her eyes again, Lord Rayven was still watching her, as if afraid she would faint. Did he know how she was feeling? 

"Shall we go back home?" He asked. 

Home? That would never be her home unless she was married to him. 

She shook her head. "I am alright." She said. 

They couldn't go back now. She had already damaged his reputation. For the wedding not to happen, would make him look worse.