Chapter 67 part 1

No. He wasn't only shaken. There was panic and terror in his black eyes. She became scared for him for some unknown reason and felt like she had to do something but didn't know what. 

Suddenly the crowd clapped and cheered bringing both of them back to the real world. Lord Rayven was truly startled as he had been completely lost and then his eyes as if something inside him died, swiftly went back to normal before he looked away and turned to the pastor. 

It was time for them to sign the marriage certificate. The whole reason why a pastor was called when they could skip that whole part was that a Lord, especially one in Lord Rayven's position needed to register his marriage for it to be legally binding. 

Angelica knew this was the real seal as she was signing her name on the certificate after Lord Rayven. When it was done she was already exhausted. She wanted to go back home. She couldn't handle what followed.