Chapter 72

Angelica lay in her bed, feeling her eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Yet she couldn't sleep. Her body had never felt more alive. She could feel her heart pounding, her blood flowing hot in her veins and humming a song of pleasure, her nerves sending heat to different parts of her body and her skin tingling. 

Unable to keep her eyes open, she closed them and stayed in a state between tiredness and restlessness. What was happening to her? This felt so strange. Her body and brain were working against each other. Finally, darkness enveloped her. 

And then came the light. It was a bright sunny day and Angelica saw the back of a red-haired woman rushing somewhere. She happily hummed a melody as she scampered through the crowd and came to a large palace. The woman stopped at the gates sensing that something wasn't right. She stepped inside and went to the front door that was open. 

Going in she looked around the empty hall. "Skender?"