Chapter 73

Rayven went back to his room as tears streamed down his face. Finally, he had let it out. He was relieved but at the same time, the pain worsened. He caused yet another person to get hurt because of him but also saying what he did to his sister out loud, was the most painful punishment he received in all of his years being punished. 

Dragging himself across the halls, he came to his room at last and locked himself in. He sat leaning against the door and for the first time let himself fully cry. Strange sounds he has never before left his mouth to ease the aching in his heart. "I am sorry." He cried. "I am very sorry." 

His sister must have cried alone like this, while hurting, bleeding. She must have been so cold and lonely. Lucrezia gave him a taste of what his sister went through. But it was only a taste. He knew this would hurt much more if someone he cared for was the cause of it.