Chapter 74

Angelica's body jerked as she cried in his arms. It was a heartwrenching cry that added to his pain. He stroked her back as he began to cry in silence as well.

Angelica pulled away. "You scared me. Don't do that again." She scolded. 

He was scared too. Wiping her tears away she grabbed his face in her hands. He hated to cry in front of others. It still felt wrong to do so. He cringed inside but he couldn't help it. 

"You did well. It will be alright now." She comforted. 

He shook his head. "I don't know if I will be alright. It hurts so much." He admitted. 

She tiptoed and hugged him again. "You will be. I will take care of you." She said stroking his hair.