Chapter 92

In the morning, Angelica was combing her hair when she noticed something strange on her neck. She moved closer to the mirror to inspect and found something that looked like a bruise. What was that? She touched it with a finger. It ached a little. 

Ignoring it she went back to combing her hair. She tried really hard not to recall what happened last night since she acted like a crazed woman. What was she thinking when she didn't stop him? She shook her head but still couldn't stop her thoughts from going that direction especially when she was where it all started. In front of the mirror. 

Taking a deep breath to cool down she put the comb away and went to find a distraction. The only thing that could stop her from thinking about the heated night was what followed after. The memories she saw. She knew these things didn't happen to her but it felt like they did. Her body reacted as if she had felt the pain herself.