Chapter 93

Rayven's heart was pounding hard in his chest as he hurried to the dungeon. So many things went through his head that scared him to death and when he found her lying there on the floor, unconscious his heart dropped. If he hadn't heard her heartbeat he would have expected the worst. 

Hurrying to where she lay he went down on his knees and picked her upper body and put her on his lap. "Angelica!" He shook her. 

She stirred and mumbled something he couldn't understand. "I am here," he told her. "You will be alright." 

He picked her up and carried her back to their room. Her body was freezing cold so he put fire in the hearth and then removed her heavy dress that got dirty and her corset before tucking her under the blankets. How long had she been lying down there and why would she go there? She feared bats. 

"Angelica?" He cupped her cheek. "Do you hear me?"