Chapter 94 part 1

"What is beautiful about me?" He asked. 

"You being a husband is beautiful to see," she said. "I never thought I could be happy in a marriage but despite everything happening, I am happy with you." 

Rayven felt another strange thing in his heart that he had never felt before."You are?" 

She nodded. "Yes." 

"I just yelled at you," he said and that was after she told him she wasn't feeling well. 

"You still have a few things to learn," she admitted. "Or maybe not so few." 

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have yelled," he said. 

She had every reason to be angry and he should have listened in those tough times. There was just so much worry and fear she was carrying alone and he had after all told her to yell if she needed to. To vent and let her emotions out since she always kept them inside. He was glad she didn't hold back this time. 

She nodded, "and the rules?" 

"No more stupid rules."