Tricks and Trouble

Roxana was going about her day as usual. Disguising, deceiving. Earning or stealing. Whatever worked. But since she had to repay Connor, she wasn't getting much left and it was becoming tiring. She needed to save money and have a good amount left that she could use to find her family. The bounty hunter she had hired, proved to be useless. She needed to find someone else or put more of her time to search for herself. 

"My Lady, these jewels bring out the color of your eyes," Roxana said holding the necklace in display. 

"What about mine?" The other buyer asked. 

"Your eyes are already jewels, My Lady. You don't need any." Roxana remembered the blue eyes that invaded her thoughts for days. She was usually focused on her mission. What was happening to her?

The woman waved her hand dismissively with a giggle. "Oh Rocks, you should stop with the sweet talk." 

"It comes out naturally in your presence, My Lady." Roxana smiled as charmingly as she could.