I am back!

"Why did you save her? She was clearly lying?" Rayven asked him as they rode back. 

"I didn't. I just followed the law." Skender said not knowing why he even bothered. But something happened to him, his curiosity peaked when he saw his button around her neck instead of the cross. Why didn't she sell it to repay Ulric? 

And her scent, the scent of salt and ocean reached his nostrils and he didn't even like that scent. He was a river person. He shook his head. Why was he even making the comparison? 

As he tried to forget her, Lazarus had to ruin everything. "The woman has skills. Did you see how she faked a cry?" 

She was a liar and a thief. He should have let Rayven deal with her accordingly. 

"You can go without me. I need to be somewhere else." He said and went a separate way.