Black and white

Skender went home, cursing himself over and over again. He was letting go of himself and letting the destroyer lead him. He wasn't fighting hard enough. 

'I did very little. That was mostly you. Or shall I say us?'

Skender shook his head in denial. It wasn't him. It couldn't be him who want to kiss her on that beach, push them down on the sand, have them naked while he entered, and retreat from her body like the waves washed over the sand and flowed back into the ocean. 

It was all just lust. It meant nothing. 

'We have sensed her. You know it means something.'

Alright. He knew it. He sensed her as the one. What then? That didn't change that she was human. That she, just like everybody else could leave him. And even if he could hear her thoughts then what? Clearly, humans could fall in and out of love. One day, he could end up alone and grieve again for hundreds of years.