A feast to the eyes

Roxana went to bed, trying to plan her robbery but she was too distracted. She kept remembering Alexander's smile, when he walked beside her, when he ate the soup, when he put his coat on her shoulders and when he bought her those jewel stones. The ones that looked like his eyes. 

And then when she closed her eyes, she remembered his fingers on her cheek and jaw. In her imagination she let them wander further down her neck and brush over her breasts. She shifted in bed shivering slightly at the thought before dismissing it. She had already let herself imagine further the night before and it didn't end well. She was awake the whole night, her body tingling with some new unknown sensation. 

She had imagined his lips on hers. How would those rose petal lips feel against hers? Would he taste the way he smelled? Like fresh mint. Would it sting so sweetly as mint did?