Danger Zone

"He made her his personal guard? Does that mean he admits he wants her? Then why doesn't he tell her that he knows she is a woman?" Rayven asked confused. 

Lazarus chuckled. "He does want her near him but he hasn't admitted that he wants her near him forever so he can't reveal the truth yet. If he tells her he knows then she will leave and he would have to make her stay by compulsion or threat which isn't the most romantic thing to do. Or he could make her his which he isn't ready for yet so this is good so far. He is not sending her away at least."

This way he could keep her close while he tried to figure out his feelings, but Lazarus guessed that it was probably more than that. He must be testing her. Seeing if he could trust her or he was trying to find flaws in her hoping that it would make him dislike her. Or perhaps it could be both. Only time would tell what Roxana would do but somehow he felt like already knew because she was very much like him.