The Game Begins

Roxana's heart stilled, then accelerated, and then almost leaped to her throat. Panic made her freeze in shock but the heat of his body slowly warmed her up. She found herself breathing in his scent and liking his closeness. As much as she wanted to push herself away, she also wanted to stay there. Pretend that she was asleep and enjoy this one time that would never come again. And perhaps she would have, had she not been disguised and risked getting caught and beheaded. 

Carefully, Roxana tried to release herself from his arms without waking him up. It seemed like he hadn't been teasing her about hugging things. Just when she thought she would be free soon, his arms tightened around her causing a gasp to escape her lips. 

"Where are you going?" He spoke his voice husky from sleep. 

Bees and butterflies suddenly stung her stomach. God, she should be terrified to death but instead, she was feeling this?