The distance between us

Roxana felt weak in the knees as she went to the ship. So much weight was lifted off her shoulders and the constant fear had left her chest. But her head was filled with thoughts and questions, that she couldn't handle thinking about right now. One more thing and she might lose consciousness from the load of new things that happened. Did she just come back from the door of death? 

She walked inside, through the entrance that had no door at the moment because Ulric broke it. She just wanted to cry again, but instead, she continued inside and took off the coat. Walking further into her cabin, she ignored the mess that Ulric created. She couldn't deal with it right now. 

Roxana eased into her mattress, sleeping among the little furniture she had that was now destroyed. She was back in her home. She didn't die. Clutching onto the coat she let the tears fall again, this time without holding back until she cried herself to sleep.