The guardian angel's guard

Skender hated to say this because he wasn't a rude person but Roxana was a pest. Yes, he knew it was her job to be one but God, she was worse than his guards. Sir Fulker had put a lot of nonsense in her head and Gary added to the whole thing. She wouldn't let him out of her sight once. She took her job very seriously while distracting others who weren't used to having female guard around.

Courtiers, Lords, and alike would glance her way while he spoke to them. During his complaint meeting, she searched everyone thoroughly, just like Sir Fulker taught her. "My Lady, you need to remove your headpin. I will keep it for you." She extended her palm and the woman removed her pin with annoyance. 

Skender watched the whole thing, amused. For those who tried to get too close, she would remind them to keep their distance. "Please, step back Sir."