Evil Twin

The destroyer tried to remain discrete in the morning when he was finally able to pull his weakened body out of bed. Skender was somewhere in there struggling but he shut him off. The man could use this time alone. He wanted to disappear after all. 

If it wasn't for the snake who put some doubts into his head and his mate who was clearly drawn to his more gentle side, Skender, then the destroyer would have left Skender lost in the pain of his conscious and taken over his body forever. But clearly, he needed Skender. The control and patience came from his side which was why he was a little worried to be left completely alone now that his priority mission was not to kill. But to win his mate. 

He could end up losing control in her presence. He was already too excited to see her, to have her, to make her his. She was his. She belonged to him and nothing would separate them. Nothing!