The dark side

"Oh. The poor man had his heart broken?" Fanny said when Roxana shared her confusion with him. 

That was what she thought as well. She had thought about his words, the pain in his eyes, and how he seemed to distance himself from her even as he spoke. Everything about him seemed defensive. The way he pulled his shoulders up slightly, his arms coming to the front of his body as if protecting his vital organs. He was protecting himself, from possible pain. She sighed with sadness. This wasn't what she expected. 

"What woman could have possibly betrayed him? He is king, handsome and you say he is a good person." Fanny continued. 

She wondered too. Who was the unlucky woman? Roxana was curious about her, about the woman whom the king loved so much that she caused him this much pain. Who was she? 

"Well, I don't know what is more difficult? Dealing with a broken heart or changing traditional rules."