Biting pleasure

Roxana stood on the balcony of her new home, staring at the ocean ahead. Alexander had chosen the perfect location for their home, still near the ocean where she was used to. 

While she watched the afternoon sun, he sat among her old friends in the room. The cats. After having lunch Roxana suggested they take the leftovers to the cats and they ended up bringing them home. 

Her friends liked comfort after eating their food. Roxana usually took an afternoon nap with them whenever they met, so Alexander watched them confused when they kept snuggling and brushing themselves against him. 

"I didn't know I attracted cats as well." He joked. "They like me a little too much. They are just like you." 

She shook her head in denial. 

"Especially this one." He said pointing at the one rubbing herself along his leg. 

Roxana chuckled. "I don't do that." 

"No, you do other kinds of rubbing." He said causing her cheeks to burn.