The next morning

Skender watched Roxana sleep peacefully beside him. He wanted to wake her up, take her and make her cry out again despite having taken her multiple times last night. Every time he thought his hunger would be quenched it only left him more hungry to know the feeling of having her body wrapped around him. She was warm, soft, and felt at home and she welcomed him with equal desire. 

And God, he was right that her body was made for his and she could handle all of his hunger. All the hunger that came back now after hundreds of years of numbness. He didn't have to be careful or treat her like a fragile woman. She was just as wild as him and he loved it. 

Rolling in bed she moved closer to his side and he opened his arm for her. She snuggled against him and he knew she was half awake. He ran his fingers up and down her back and she shivered and moved closer, putting on leg over his and resting one arm on his chest.